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The UKNEHS will enable the UK to meet its obligation to contribute towards the World Health Organisation (WHO) goal of reducing avoidable sight loss.

The project timeline has been significantly impacted by Brexit and the COVID-19 global pandemic. Our team continues to work hard to ensure that the project is developed to allow UKNEHS data to inform the work to develop UK eye and hearing health care, as the NHS progresses with its plans to move significant amounts of secondary care services into primary care settings.


As this work develops we will update this page with further information about our next steps on the journey to achieving high quality data that will drive the UK forward as world leaders in tackling sight loss, hearing loss and the associated wider impacts. 


Visual and hearing impairment (including sight loss and blindness) costs the UK an estimated £58 billion each year.


Despite these huge costs, we don't have the data we need to understand why people are still losing their sight and hearing due to preventable or treatable causes, or living with correctable vision and hearing impairments under our current system.

Datasets currently available in the UK are of limited value, due to a reliance on non-UK international data, or UK data samples that are either very small scale. There is subsequently no robust evidence upon which to found research, or to target the right preventions, treatment, public health services and support to people who really need it. Demand for eye and hearing health services is growing every year, and there is a real need to have accurate and up-to-date data to establish a reliable baseline for the UK’s eye and hearing health, to inform future evaluation of services and research.

The data we have indicates that currently there is unmet need in the system, with barriers to accessibility, lack of awareness of the health benefits of regular sight tests, and delays to access treatments in the current system. This means that needs are not being met and people are losing their sight and hearing and living with correctable visual and hearing impairments when these outcomes could have been avoided.

The load on services is projected to increase in the future due to an ageing population with increasingly complex needs. Growth in conditions such as diabetes is resulting in additional pressures on other parts of the system. With demand growing and resources under increasing pressure, it is more important than ever to understand the health needs of our population so that we can target interventions effectively and provide quality care across the UK. 

All of this is crucial because sensory loss has a huge impact on people’s overall health and wellbeing, and as a result, a major economic impact on wider society through its effect on employment, education and training, social inclusion, wellbeing and access to services.

Without the UKNEHS data it is impossible to develop the evidence needed for how we improve services and deliver them more efficiently and effectively to both reduce the numbers of people losing their sight and hearing, and those living with vision and hearing impairments that could be corrected. Better data is essential if the NHS’s Long Term Plan is to be delivered successfully in the eye health and hearing sectors. 



UKNEHS will provide vital data for the vision and eye health research community in the UK, for health policy makers and those developing and commissioning health services. It will allow for more effective implementation of the most appropriate health services and delivery models and provide a critical data baseline to support future impact assessment of novel eye care interventions and service delivery models. This will help government efficiently and effectively ensure that vulnerable groups are accessing the services they need to reduce preventable hearing and vision loss.

Each participant enrolled in the UKNEHS will undergo an eye and hearing examination, and complete a standardised general questionnaire. Interviews and examinations will be conducted primarily at designated clinics. Where that is not possible they will be delivered in the participant’s home.

The study will also measure the detection and treatment coverage rate of major eye diseases and conditions in order to understand the effectiveness of current services. People surveyed will be asked questions to help us understand their level of interaction with eye health services and the effectiveness of them, as well as to understand the impact of eye health on employment levels (where applicable).

If a participant has a problem identified during the survey, they will be referred for treatment via the appropriate local pathway. It is estimated that approximately 1,500 participants will be found to have an undetected eye condition as part of this process.



The study will deliver immediate benefit to the 1,500 individuals with previously undetected vision problems, ensuring they receive the interventions needed to treat or manage their condition. It will also offer improved outcomes for people over the long term, by gathering data on prevalence to establish a greater understanding on the causes and incidence of eye disease and hearing loss. It will support a better understanding of regional and socio-economic variances in vision and hearing status and outcomes – enabling us to ensure that those groups in society who are least well served by current services, and most at risk, are better understood.

The economic benefit of dealing with preventable and treatable hearing and vision loss is significant. Currently, ophthalmology is the second largest department in the NHS. A full economic costing has costed the study at £16 million over 3 years. This figure is 0.52% of the overall £3.1 billion spent by the NHS on eyecare and hearing loss in the UK annually, in other words a relatively small investment in order to target overall spend.

The UKNEHS project will be led by a team of highly experienced health research professionals, and is supported by a number of partner organisations across the eye health and hearing sectors. The project will draw on other similar studies already delivered successfully in Australia, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal and Bangladesh. This document describes the study proposal, which will be developed in full as part of detailed design phase of work, working closely with Government funding partners.

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