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Robert Harper


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Robert Harper is an Optometrist Consultant at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, an Honorary Professor of Optometry in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Manchester and a Visiting Professor in Optometry at City, University of London.  His role encompasses clinical and academic work, involving clinical research, undergraduate and post-graduate teaching, and the training and continuing education of post-graduate optometrists. He is actively engaged in examining and wider professional and regulatory matters. 
His main areas of clinical and research interest include glaucoma, diagnostic test evaluation, low vision rehabilitation, and evaluation of enhanced schemes within optometry.  He has been lead applicant or co-applicant on grants amounting to over £3 million funding and authored over 100 papers, including over 70 papers in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  He has engaged in developing links between ophthalmology and community optometry for many years and in 2015 he was awarded Life Fellowship of the College of Optometrists for his contribution to the optometry profession.  He acts as an expert panel member for NICE.

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